Homemade High Calorie Dog Food

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woman feeding dog
Image Credit: John Howard/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Highly active working dogs, pregnant and nursing mother dogs, and underweight dogs may all benefit from a high-calorie diet or high-calorie supplements. High-calorie dog food includes real meat protein and essential minerals. You can buy commercial, high-calorie dog foods, but making the food at home ensures your dogs get the protein and amino acids they need and lets you customize the feed to your dog's size. Many dog breeders and experts recommend a ground-meat-based recipe called Satin Balls.



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Step 1

plastic bags
Image Credit: daizuoxin/iStock/Getty Images

Open the tops of the12 freezer bags and place on counter.


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Step 2

dry oatmeal
Image Credit: Baiba Zemgaliete/iStock/Getty Images

Mix the Total, oatmeal and wheat germ together in a large bowl.


Step 3

Image Credit: rsester/iStock/Getty Images

Add the oil, molasses and salt, and mix well.


Step 4

basket of eggs
Image Credit: Tharakorn/iStock/Getty Images

Crack the eggs into the bowl, then crush the eggshells and add into the mixture.


Step 5

woman mixing ingredients
Image Credit: Marc le Roux/iStock/Getty Images

Pour in the gelatin, and mix all the ingredients well.


Step 6

raw hamburger meat
Image Credit: Elenathewise/iStock/Getty Images

Add the raw hamburger and knead it until all ingredients are combined into a meatloaf consistency.



Step 7

woman making hamburger meatballs
Image Credit: Elena Elisseeva/Hemera/Getty Images

Roll the mixture into 1 to 2 inch diameter meatballs.


Step 8

woman looking in freezer
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

Place the meatballs into the freezer bags and store in your freezer until you are ready to use them. Feed them thawed and raw, as needed.


Feed the preparation as primary food, or use in smaller amounts as supplements or treats.

Double or halve the recipe, as needed.

Size the meatballs up or down to meet the needs of your dog.

Preparing the freezer bags before making the mixture helps make the process neater and cleaner.

