What Is Panalog Ointment Used for in Dogs?

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A dog is with the veterinarian.
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Panalog is the veterinarian's opening salvo in the fight against ear infections in dogs and cats. It's also useful for skin problems in small and large animals, from rats to elephants. Readily available and moderately priced from discount sources online, it's a godsend to your uncomfortable dog.


Ears Down

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Ear infections are not uncommon in dogs, but are most common in dogs with drop ears. The hanging ear flap reduces air circulation to the ear canal, creating a warm, moist environment ideal for yeast and fungus to flourish. Nystatin is the anti-fungal ingredient of Panalog, and is effective in controlling ear problems caused by yeast infections. Panalog also contains two antibiotics, broad-spectrum neomycin and thiostrepton, which is more specific to Gram-positive organisms, to deter or prevent the growth of bacteria in a dog's already irritated ears.


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From the Skin Out

Panalog is useful in many kinds of dermatitis and skin irritation, including cysts between the toes. Yeast infections from the same organism that causes ear problems also can cause skin problems elsewhere on a dog's body, such as the groin area. If the skin is irritated by a yeast infection and broken by scratching, a secondary bacterial infection is possible. Panalog's two antibiotics can forestall this. Triamcinolone acetonide is a powerful steroid that calms skin irritations and relieves itching. Its water-soluble mineral oil or petroleum jelly base moisturizes and soothes irritated skin and helps heal scrapes and minor scratches and burns.


Bringing Up the Rear

Dogs have scent glands on either side of their anus that secrete a vile-smelling substance they use to mark their territory. If one or both of these glands become infected or even just too full, the dog will "scoot," dragging his butt on the floor or ground in an attempt to ease his discomfort. Your veterinarian can use external pressure to try to empty these glands. If this works, he may fill the emptied sacs with Panalog to prevent a recurrence. If the condition becomes chronic, surgical removal may be necessary, and Panalog can be used on the site to help the healing.


A Caution

If your dog constantly licks areas treated with Panalog over an extended period, say, more than two weeks, he could ingest enough of the steroid content to cause some problems. If he pees more often than usual, drinks unusual amounts of water or starts to gain weight, consult your veterinarian. You may have to subject him to the ultimate indignity of an Elizabethan collar -- a stiff plastic cone around his neck to prevent him from licking the treated areas.

Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.

