A dog's two-month gestation period isn't long, but as an owner, it can seem like an eternity. You want everything to go right with your girl, and it's important to remember that most canine pregnancies are uneventful. While your veterinarian can answer your basic dog pregnancy questions, you want to familiarize yourself with what is happening in your dog's uterus from day one to day 63. That's the magic number of days for the average canine pregnancy.
A discharge throughout a dog's pregnancy is not unusual, so don't panic if your beloved mother-to-be has some vaginal secretions. What is important is knowing the difference between normal discharge and one indicating trouble.
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Dog mucus plug
A pregnant dog will develop a mucus plug over her cervix, which keeps bacteria out of the uterus, protecting the fetuses. This plug is a whitish fluid resembling egg whites and should have no odor. In some dogs, the mucus plug causes a discharge throughout the pregnancy.
If the entire plug comes out of the of the vagina, it indicates that puppies will arrive soon: How soon varies by the animal. For some dogs, it is just a matter of hours, while in others the birth process won't start for a few days. If the mucus plug is green, bloody, or stinks, that's a red alert. It may indicate that the dog is battling a uterine infection or that she has dead fetuses within her.
A bloody discharge
A pregnant dog's bloody discharge may prove the prelude to a miscarriage. You may or may not find the fetal remains, depending on the size of the fetuses at the time. It is critical to find out the reason for the miscarriage and to have the vet perform an ultrasound to make sure there are no fetal remains in the uterus. Leaving anything behind in the uterus can lead to hemorrhaging or infection.
A green discharge
A green discharge in a pregnant dog means that the placenta, which connects the puppies to the mother and provides nourishment, is separating. If a puppy is not born immediately after the appearance of the green discharge, it will likely die in the womb. Take your pet to the emergency vet immediately if she produces a green discharge.
A brown discharge
If a brown discharge appears near the birth date, it's not in the same league as that of the green emanation. Such a discharge is one of the signs of dog labor. The discharge may be watery and contain some mucus.
If you see a brown discharge, you should notice other signs of imminent delivery in your pet, such as nesting behaviors. If you are taking your dog's temperature twice daily and waiting for it to drop to signify the birth is near, you should notice a correlation between the brown discharge and the lower temperature.
Post-delivery discharge
After your dog delivers, she may continue having a discharge for a few weeks. Right after the birth, the discharge is black, red, or green — the latter is not so dangerous now. The discharge will change color over time, so that as it nears the end, whatever is coming out of the dog is tan or pinkish. However, if this discharge smells very bad, or you notice any pus, call the vet as soon as possible.
Other symptoms may accompany a post-delivery discharge indicating possible infection. These include fever, lethargy, or lack of appetite. You should also take your dog to the vet if the discharge does not lessen over a few weeks.
Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion.
- Merck Vet Manual: Dystocia in Small Animals
- VCA Animal Hospitals: Miscarriage in Dogs
- American Kennel Club: Dog Pregnancy: Signs, Care, and Preparing for Puppies
- Center-Sinai Animal Hospital: Dr. Baum’s Guide to Your Dog’s Pregnancy, With Birthing Tips
- PetHelpful: How Long After a Dog Loses Her Mucus Plug Does Labor Start?