18 Animals Who Are Super Proud of Themselves Right Now

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Here's a list of creatures, big and small, who understand the importance of taking (a whole lotta) pride in making one's work the best it can be.

1. This pooch who's sure the song he's producing is gonna be a hit.

Image: Bunnyfood.tumblr.com


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

2. This dog who's delighted with his paper-fetching skills.

Image: Imgur


3. This hippo who knows what's what.

Image: memes.com


4. This dog who can't wait for the big reveal.

Image: Imgur


5. This dog who knows fine art when he sees it.

Image: Flipboard.com



6.This dog who's pretty sure his human is actually buying his side of the story.

Image: Imgur


7. This corgi who believes he can fly; he believes he can touch the sky.

Image: imgur


8. This dog who thinks his homework is way too easy.

Image: Imgur


9. These labs who threw a pool party that was freakin' awesome.

Image: GIPHY


10. This gorilla who thinks bipedalism is no biggie.

Image: Imgur

11. This dog who's glad no one else likes bunny poop because that means more for him!

Image: Imgur

12. This kitten who's the king of all he surveys.

Image: Imgur

13. This award-winning pooch who can dog better than your dog.

Image: Imgur


14. This jacked kangaroo!

Image: Imgur

15. He knows he's a very good boy.

Image: Imgur

16. This lab who wants to know how many tennis balls YOU can do.

Image: Imgur

17. This new mom who just squeezed out pups and still manages to look fabulous.

Image: Imgur

18. This bear who would like you to have a very nice day!

Image: Imgur
