The Best Tweets From National Cat Lady Day

Another week brings another hashtag holiday.

Coined by Susan Michals, the creator of CatCon, #NationalCatLadyDay is a celebration of all things feline —and the women who adore them.

CLIX: Everything You Need to Know About CatCon 2019


And judging by the number of "relatable," "same," and "living my best life since" reactions on my cute-adjacent Twitter timeline yesterday, #NationalCatLadyDay was a smashing success.

The festivities were framed with a simple call to action:

"Happy National CatLady Day! Celebrate with #CatCon by posting a pic of you with your kitty using the hashtag #NationalCatLadyDay," wrote CatCon's official account.

What followed was a cascade of updates from a spectrum of Cat Twitter™ constituents, each proudly self-identifying as a cat lady (both crazy and sane) or shining the spotlight on those that are.

With contributions from as far afield as Thailand, the hashtag took on a global quality. Cats ~really~ are the tie that bind, you see.

Now in its third year, #NationalCatLadyDay has seemingly established itself as a fixture of the cat and cuteness calendars.

What will Year 4 hold? You'll have to log into Twitter on April 19, 2020 to find out!


Did we miss your favorite #NationalCatLadyDay tweet? Share it with us in the comments below! And join us at CatCon 2019!

