202 British Cat Names

No matter if it's a lad or a lady, a gent or a dame, newly adopted pets deserve a special name unique to their personality. And if you want to put a royal spin on it or simply pay homage to one of the country's legendary rock 'n rollers, then a name inspired by the United Kingdom, its people, and rich cultural history is a great and unconventional way to go.


To this end, we've assembled 202 British-themed pet names below, each one a potential fit for your new four-legged chap and companion.

British names for male & female cats

• Abbey

• Ace

• Adele

• Agatha

• Alasdair

• Albie

• Albus

• Alec

• Amelia

• Archie

• Austen

• Ava

• Bags or Bagsy

• Banbury

• Barclay

• Baron

• Beans

• Beatrix

• Benedict

• Bevvy

• Biscuit


• Bishop

• Blair

• Blur

• Boddington

• Bolan

• Bond

• Boswell

• Brighton

• Bristol

• Brodsky

• Brontë

• Buckingham

• Burnley

• Camden

• Carnaby

• Catherine

• Charles

• Charlotte

• Chaucer

• Chips (or Fish)

• Chuffs

• Churchhill

• Clementine

• Codswallops

• Colin

• Collywobbles

• Cookie

• Coombes

• Cornetto

• Coxon

• Crake

• Crawford

• Daltrey

• Damon

• Daniel

• Debenham

• Downing

• Diana

• Dickens

• Dodger

• Doshes

• Dover

• Doyle

• Duke

• Eccles

• Edward

• Eggsy

• Elsie

• Elton

• Emma

• Eton

• Eugenie

• Exeter

• Fenwick

• Finn

• Fleming

• Fox

• Frost

• Gaiman

• Gaz

• George

• Gladstone

• Gobby

• Graham

• Grais

• Guinness

• Harrod


• Harry

• Hatcher

• Hermione

• Hotspur

• Hugh

• Humphrey

• Ian

• Irons

• Isabella

• Isla

• Jack (or Union)

• Jackson

• Jaffa

• Jagger (or Jags)

• Jammie

• Jenson

• Jubilee

• Jude

• Kingsley

• Kip

• Lancelot

• Leeds

• Leibniz

• Lennon

• Liam

• Lily

• Lodger

• London

• MacBeth

• Malcom

• Manchester

• Martin

• Mash

• Matilda

• Matlock

• McCartney

• Merlin

• Mercury

• Mick or Mickey

• Miffs or Miffy

• Millie

• Milton

• Miranda

• Mistle

• Moles

• Moriarty

• Morley

• Morrissey

• Morty

• Mumbles

• Neville

• Newcastle

• Newt

• Noah

• Nobby

• Noel

• Nickers

• Oliver

• Olivia

• Onions

• Orwell

• Oscar

• Oxford

• Ozwald

• Ozzy

• Palmerston

• Piccadilly

• Poole

• Poppy

• Pork Pie

• Pudding

• Q

• Quids

• Radcliffe

• Rex

• Ringo (or Starr)

• Rory

• Rose

• Rosemary

• Rowley

• Roxy

• Ruby

• Rufus

• Rupert

• Scones

• Scrummers

• Shelley

• Sherwood

• Shrewsbury

• Sid

• Sienna

• Simon

• Soap

• Spoom

• Strummer

• Stuart

• Sussex

• Syllabub

• Tennyson

• Thandie

• Thom

• Toby

• Tolkien

• Trafalgar

• Trolley

• Victoria

• Wales

• Watson

• Wells

• William

• Winehouse (or Winnie)

• Winston

• Yarg


• Zara

Do you need more inspiration for your new pet’s name?

Pets are like our children. We love them, care for them, and we get to dress them up in adorable outfits so it's extra important that we take time to find the perfect pet name that reflects their personality and potential. Because settling on a name for your new pet can be hard and emotionally wrenching (oh the indecision!), we've gathered nine pet-naming techniques to find the perfect fit, as well as assembled a handful of our most beloved lists of pet names below!


200 Charming British Dog Names

120 Impressive German Dog Names

110 French Pet Names Because Everything Sounds Better in French

135 Pet Names From 1990s Sitcoms

320 Nerdy Names For Dogs And Cats

150 Dog Names Inspired By The Simpsons

